EXCAPRIME RAIF V.C.I.C. PLC was established in Cyprus on 21/05/2020 as a public company limited by shares incorporated under the Companies Law, Cap.113 with reg. nr. HE409449. It was registered in the RAIF Register maintained by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (“CySEC”) on 03/08/2020 to operate as a Registered Alternative Investment Fund (“RAIF”) as an open-ended umbrella Investment Company of Variable Capital in accordance with Part VIII of the Alternative Investment Funds Law 124(I)/2018. The Company is authorized to create Investment Compartments under its umbrella and is exclusively addressed to Professional and/or Well-Informed investors.



The Fund is Externally Managed by Fortified Capital Ltd (The “External Manager”). The External Manager is responsible for managing the Company’s portfolio and carrying out all related transactions for the benefit of investors. The external Manager is authorized by the CySEC as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (The “AIFM”) in accordance with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law of 2013 (“AIFM LAW”) as amended and is regulated by CySEC under license number AIFM02/56/2013.


The External Manager has delegated the service of Portfolio Management and Distribution to Exclusive Change Capital Ltd (“ECC”), under trading name Exclusive Capital Ltd. ECC is an Investment Firm (License No.330/17) that is authorized and regulated by CySEC to provide Reception and Transmission of Orders, Execution of Orders and Portfolio Management services. Exclusive Capital Ltd is also the initiator and management shareholder of the Fund.



The Fund has appointed BDO Fund Services Ltd (“BDOFS”) as the Administrator of the Fund pursuant to the Administration Agreement. BDO Fund Services Ltd offers onshore and offshore Fund Administration and Registrar & Transfer Agency services to External Managers and Investment Funds internationally. BDO Fund Services Ltd implemented the required procedures to ensure that the administration services provided to the Fund are executed in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


The Fund has appointed Treppides Cyprus, chartered certified accountants, as the External Auditors of the Company. The Auditor’s main function is to conduct the Company’s annual financial statements in accordance with the IFRS. The audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement.
